Insurance in our everyday life

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Life insurance is an excellent investment to protect yourself and your family. It is also very important from a tax point of view, as you can benefit greatly from it.

It allows you to grow your investments in a wide range of investment vehicles.

Don’t forget that life insurance is a very good tool for passing on your assets!


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Pension savings plan in France

March 20, 2023

Pension savings plans in France are savings products designed to help individuals prepare for retirement while benefiting from significant tax advantages. There are different types of pension savings plans in France, but all have the objective of allowing savers to build up capital for their retirement.

First of all, one of the main advantages of pension savings plans in France is their tax-deferred nature. Contributions made to a pension savings plan are deductible from taxable income up to a certain limit, which allows savers to reduce their income tax.

In addition, pension savings plans in France are subject to locking rules that protect savers from the temptation to spend their savings before retirement age. Funds can only be withdrawn at retirement age or in cases of early release for specific needs such as the acquisition of a primary residence or job loss.

Finally, pension savings plans in France offer great flexibility to savers. There are different types of pension savings plans, each with its own characteristics and advantages. Savers can choose the plan that best suits their retirement needs and objectives. There are individual pension savings plans, collective pension savings plans, pension savings plans linked to life insurance contracts, and so on.

In summary, pension savings plans in France are savings products designed to help individuals prepare for retirement while benefiting from significant tax advantages, locking rules to protect their savings, and flexibility to adapt to their needs and objectives. It is therefore important for everyone to carefully consider their own situation and to inform themselves about the different types of plan to choose the one that suits them best.

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