Advensys Insurance Finance

is a brokerage firm providing advice and solutions in terms of insurance coverage, home loan and financial investment advice


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Advensys Insurance Finance is an insurance brokerage, mortgage brokerage and Financial Investment Advisor (CIF) firm.

We operate in different countries (Luxembourg, France, Belgium, Sweden…) and have many partners (banks and insurance)

Advensys Insurance Finance is your reliable partner in financial support and life insurance coverage.

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May 3, 2023

How to protect your family in case of death with a life insurance?

Losing a loved one is never easy, but it can be especially challenging when you’re left to handle the financial burden of their passing. That’s why having a life insurance policy is crucial for protecting your family’s financial future in case of your untimely death. But with so many types of policies and providers to choose from, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this article, we’ll explore the different types of life insurance policies available, how to determine your coverage needs, the benefits of each policy type, the importance of reviewing and updating your policy, and how to choose the right insurance provider.


Determining Your Coverage Needs:

Before you can choose a life insurance policy, you’ll need to determine how much coverage you’ll need. Consider your family’s financial needs and obligations, such as mortgage payments, educational expenses, and outstanding debts. Also, consider your family’s lifestyle and living expenses. A good rule of thumb is to purchase a policy with coverage that is 10-12 times your annual income.


Types of Life Insurance Policies:

There are two primary types of life insurance policies: term life insurance and permanent life insurance. Term life insurance is a policy that provides coverage for a specified period, typically ranging from one to 30 years. It’s typically the most affordable option, making it a popular choice for those on a budget. Permanent life insurance, on the other hand, provides lifelong coverage and builds cash value over time. There are several types of permanent life insurance policies, including whole life, universal life, and variable life.


Benefits of Each Policy Type:

Term life insurance provides coverage for a specific period, making it an excellent choice for those with temporary needs, such as paying off a mortgage or financing a child’s education. Permanent life insurance, on the other hand, provides lifelong coverage and can be used as an investment vehicle. Whole life insurance builds cash value over time, while universal life insurance offers flexibility in premium payments and death benefits. Variable life insurance allows you to invest the cash value portion of your policy in a variety of investment options.


Reviewing and Updating Your Policy:

It’s essential to review your life insurance policy periodically to ensure it still meets your coverage needs. Major life events such as marriage, divorce, or the birth of a child can impact your coverage needs, making it necessary to adjust your policy. Additionally, you may want to increase your coverage as you age or if your income increases.


Choosing the Right Insurance Provider:

Choosing the right life insurance provider is just as important as choosing the right policy. Look for a provider that has a strong financial rating, excellent customer service, and a track record of paying out claims. You may also want to consider working with an independent insurance agent who can provide objective advice and help you compare policies from multiple providers.


In conclusion, protecting your family in case of your untimely death is essential for providing them with financial security and peace of mind. By determining your coverage needs, choosing the right policy type and insurance provider, and reviewing and updating your policy regularly, you can ensure that your loved ones are taken care of no matter what life throws your way.

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March 20, 2023

Tax optimization for separated families with children

Tax optimization can be a complex topic, especially when it comes to families with children. If you’re going through a separation or divorce and have children, it’s important to understand the tax implications and opportunities available to you.

One way to optimize your taxes is to make use of the “splitting” option. This allows parents to divide the child tax credit and other child-related expenses between them. By doing so, both parents can benefit from the tax savings.

Another option is to consider the impact of alimony payments. In Luxembourg, alimony payments are tax-deductible for the payer and taxable for the recipient. As such, it’s important to carefully consider the amount and frequency of these payments to optimize your tax situation.

Lastly, it’s important to keep track of any child-related expenses that you incur throughout the year. This can include medical expenses, education costs, and childcare expenses. By keeping receipts and records of these expenses, you may be able to claim deductions and tax credits that can help optimize your tax situation.

Navigating tax optimization in the case of a separated family with children can be challenging, but with the help of an expert in tax planning, you can find the best strategy for your unique situation.

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March 20, 2023

Pension savings plan in France

Pension savings plans in France are savings products designed to help individuals prepare for retirement while benefiting from significant tax advantages. There are different types of pension savings plans in France, but all have the objective of allowing savers to build up capital for their retirement.

First of all, one of the main advantages of pension savings plans in France is their tax-deferred nature. Contributions made to a pension savings plan are deductible from taxable income up to a certain limit, which allows savers to reduce their income tax.

In addition, pension savings plans in France are subject to locking rules that protect savers from the temptation to spend their savings before retirement age. Funds can only be withdrawn at retirement age or in cases of early release for specific needs such as the acquisition of a primary residence or job loss.

Finally, pension savings plans in France offer great flexibility to savers. There are different types of pension savings plans, each with its own characteristics and advantages. Savers can choose the plan that best suits their retirement needs and objectives. There are individual pension savings plans, collective pension savings plans, pension savings plans linked to life insurance contracts, and so on.

In summary, pension savings plans in France are savings products designed to help individuals prepare for retirement while benefiting from significant tax advantages, locking rules to protect their savings, and flexibility to adapt to their needs and objectives. It is therefore important for everyone to carefully consider their own situation and to inform themselves about the different types of plan to choose the one that suits them best.

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March 20, 2023

Dedicated Life Insurance in Luxembourg

Life insurance is a popular savings product that offers many benefits to people who want to prepare for the future. In Luxembourg, life insurance is particularly popular due to its tax benefits and flexibility.

Firstly, Luxembourg life insurance is subject to very low tax rates. The gains made on a life insurance policy are not taxed as long as the policy is not terminated. In addition, premiums paid on a life insurance policy are eligible for a 20% income tax reduction.

Furthermore, Luxembourg life insurance offers great flexibility to savers. Life insurance policies can be tailored to each person’s needs and goals, with customized portfolio management options and the choice between guaranteed or non-guaranteed returns. It is also possible to include protection or guarantee options for family members in a life insurance policy.

Finally, Luxembourg life insurance is also an internationally recognized savings product. Luxembourg life insurance policies are freely transferable to other European Union countries, making it an ideal product for people who want to save for the future while protecting their assets.

In summary, Luxembourg life insurance offers a wide range of benefits for people who want to save for the future. Low tax rates, flexibility, and international recognition make it a wise choice for those looking to protect their assets and prepare for their financial future.

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January 18, 2023

Savings plans for housing scheme

Savings plans for housing are savings products that allow people who want to buy a house to financially prepare themselves. In Luxembourg, savings plans for housing offer many tax advantages that make them a wise choice for savers.

First, the premiums paid on a housing savings plan are eligible for a 20% reduction in income tax. This means that savers can reduce their income tax by saving for their housing. In addition, the gains made on a housing savings plan are not taxed as long as the contract is not terminated.

In addition, Luxembourg housing savings plans are very flexible. Savers can choose the duration of their contract and the portfolio management options that suit them best. It is also possible to take out a housing savings plan with options for protection or guarantee for family members.

Finally, Luxembourg housing savings plans are also an internationally recognized savings product. Luxembourg housing savings plans contracts are freely transferable to other countries in the European Union, making them an ideal product for people who want to save for a housing purchase while protecting their assets.

In summary, housing savings plans in Luxembourg offer a wide range of tax advantages for people looking to buy a house. The income tax reductions, flexibility and international recognition make them a wise choice for those who want to financially prepare for the purchase of their future home while protecting their assets.

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December 4, 2022

Expertise makes life easier

Fitch Ratings says the NSW/Queensland floods will impact insurers’ earnings as more bad weather is predicted for this week.

The industry has already received more than 163,850 claims from the catastrophe, according to latest available data from the Insurance Council of Australia (ICA).

ICA, which provided the figures on its Twitter account on Friday, says based on previous flood events the estimated cost of claims is now $2.451 billion.

Fitch Ratings says it expects net losses to primary insurers from the extreme weather in late February and early this month to be much lower than ICA’s current gross loss estimate due to high reinsurance recoveries.

But the rating agency expects gross losses may rise further as the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) forecasts the ongoing La Nina weather event to lead to above-median rainfall in the second quarter for much of northern and eastern Australia.

“Recent flooding and severe storms in south-east Queensland and NSW will affect insurers’ earnings rather than their capital, as a result of strong reinsurance programs,” Fitch Ratings said.

“Insurers’ robust earnings and capital headroom should ensure their ratings remain resilient to these effects.

“However, higher modelled catastrophe losses and rising reinsurance costs in the face of increasingly frequent extreme weather events, coupled with reduced appetite from global reinsurers, pose risks to insurers’ credit profiles over the medium term.”

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What our clients say

I am extremely satisfied with the service I received from you when subscribing to my retirement savings plan. You were very professional and answered all of my questions clearly and concisely. I feel confident in the decisions I made thanks to your help and I am eager to see the long-term results. Thank you again for your support.


Junaed K.


We were thrilled to work with the AIF team to optimize our tax situation in Luxembourg. Their expertise and market knowledge allowed us to implement effective strategies to reduce our tax costs. Our interactions with their staff were professional and friendly, and we appreciated their availability and responsiveness. We highly recommend their services.


Diana S.

Online Marketing Manager

I was very satisfied with the way the AIF team helped me take out a mortgage life insurance policy. They were very professional and knowledgeable, and took the time to explain the different options available and help me choose the one that best met my needs. I feel secure and reassured knowing that I am protected in case of any issues with my mortgage loan. I highly recommend AIF to anyone looking for a mortgage life insurance policy.


Alla B.

Logistics expert